Mustafa said: “We had a hard time getting clean water. RVF has provided us with free, clean water. It’s made things much easier.” Khan Younis, Gaza

Om Fadl said: “I read about Rotavirus vaccine in the vaccination booklet. It was my nightmare when I read that tens of thousands of babies die every year because of viral diarrhea. I am relaxed now that my baby girl (Ahd) will be protected by these two doses of vaccine from the risk of viral infection. I will surely come on time for the second shot after a couple of months. I thank all donors who contributed in this great humanitarian task.”

Majdoolin is a first-time mother of a boy, Mohammed. “Unless babies are vaccinated, almost all of them get rotavirus, the doctor told me. Having the vaccine available for free in Gaza can save babies and parents from so much suffering. I am also glad that the vaccine is painless because it is given orally instead of by a shot. “The introduction of this vaccine is a landmark in giving children in Gaza the healthy start in life they need.”

Nour, a mother of two, said in her way out of the vaccination room: “I am so glad my son is vaccinated now. While the nurse was giving the first dose to my son, he was teaching me what all this about, how it’s helping reduce how much diarrhea our children have. I would urge every mom to get the two doses of vaccine on time.”

“It was terrible, bad times when my older daughters had severe diarrhea – before we had the rotavirus vaccine in Gaza. Now, as a mother of a new baby…I am so happy that the rotavirus vaccine is available. I know that my baby is protected from this dangerous diarrhea.”

– Mother of 4 month old Ameera, Gaza City, Palestinian Territories

“My son Giorgi was born with a complex heart disease. He received three surgeries and they were all successful. I am thankful to everyone, they saved my baby’s life.”

– Tamar, mother of two, Tbilisi, Georgia

“After a complication-free pregnancy and childbirth, my second child, my little baby girl Anush was born. While breastfeeding Anush for the very first time, I noticed that her lips turned blue and she struggled to latch. Our doctor took a look but didn’t see anything wrong with her. The next day another doctor told me that Anush’s screening results showed possible congenital heart defect. Soon a medical team transferred my baby to a specialized cardio clinic where my baby girl was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Surgery took place just a few days after the screening and Anush is recovering well. Screening my baby so soon after birth allowed her to get the emergency life-saving care she needed.”

– Karine, second-time mother, Tbilisi, Georgia

First time mother Natela was grateful to know that her baby was healthy after he received the painless pulse oximeter test for heart defects. “I am so grateful for this screening program – to know that my baby’s heart is healthy. We have heart problems in my family, I am so thankful that all of the tests showed my baby’s heart is normal.”

– Natela, first-time mother, Tbilisi, Georgia

“The RVF CCHD screening program is vital to ensuring the health of our newborn patients. The program has saved the lives of babies with CCHD who might not have survived without the screening program. ”

– Ia Davitaia, MD, PhD, President of the Association of Neonatologists of Georgia

“When I held my baby Andreia in my arms, I was the happiest person in the world. The doctor told me that my baby had been screened and the results showed a possible heart defect and an urgent transfer to the cardio clinic was needed. Andreia was diagnosed with transposition of great arteries and preparations for emergency surgery was underway at once. When the surgery was complete, my little Andreia’s heart beat was strong and healthy and to my utmost happiness, they told me that his healthy heartbeat would last life-long. If not for this life-saving screening program, I would not be enjoying motherhood right now.”

– Nino, first-time mother, Tbilisi, Georgia